Sunday, 26 August 2012

Eat my dust!

DAY 6 - Friday 24th August
Arkaroola S.A. to Wentworth N.S.W
665 kms
Long straight dusty roads...and we are still wearing the yellow! (starting to smell)  You might have noticed they only have one size..3XL!!!
Today we traveled on the south Australian side of the border right down to the Victorian border.

somewhere on the Strezlecki Track

Flinders Ranges in the distance

the road goes on and on....

No stitching going on in here!!

traffic control

Just popped across into Victoria (somewhere) then on to the beautiful river town of Wentworth where the Darling River meets the Murray River.
 Lunch stop was at Yunta where the service station gave us a cap and mug for being leaders--- we had to buy them back that night....anything to raise money!

lunch stop at Yunta S.A.

Darling River at Wentworth NSW
The adventure ends tomorrow...
see you then


  1. Amazing scenery. Bet you're starting to look forward to a long hot bath. Hang on to that yellow jersey, we all want you to win!

  2. hope your just going to get rid of the car and don't have to clean all the pics........

  3. I can't believe the Bash is nearly over! You have visited some amazing places, some we've visited, but you have inspired to to explore some more. Well done with the yellow shirts...only one more day to to keep being "average". I'm glad you didn't do any stitching in the car. What a job it is going to be when you get home to clean everything.

  4. Ohh IM behind Im a bit late reading the post! Loving all the pictures... a great experience for you both.


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